Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Ok I have been tagged, and don't know anyone different than my sister! So I will post this, but probably won't tag anyone different. :-(

The rules are:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.
4. Tag a minimum of five random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.

5 Random Facts about Me…

1. When I lay in bed to go to sleep I have to crack my back both ways before I can go to sleep! and turn on both sides.

2. If there are any spots on a sink faucet, no matter whose house or public restroom it is: I HAVE to clean it off! (Matt learned early on to make sure the faucet is always clean!)

3. I will buy something at the thrift store to make it pretty, and into what I want, even if I have the money to buy it brand new, I guess it's more fun for me that way!

4. I have a stupid habbit of raising my eyebrows! It is annoying! Probably to more than just me!

5. I HATE talking on the phone! used to love it.....don't know what happened! (not good when you have your won business, and most of your family lives away from you!!) I don't hate talking to "them" it is just "being" on the phone!

Top 5 Places I want to go or see again…

1. ALASKA!!!! because my sister lives there!

2. Japan again, like my sister I have dreampt of going back there since we moved back to the states.

3. I would love to visit my friend Bonnie in Austrailia also, looks like such a cool place!

4. I know this isn't a place, but it does take you places... I would LOVE to go on a cruise with my hubby, ANYWHERE!

5. This is wierd, but I love pictures of Montana, I would love to see it someday.

Ooh I figured out someone to tag!
I'm tagging my friend Heather


Bonnie said...

This is fun ! Khris tagged me last week. I'm going to try and do mine today or tomorrow !!

Oh, almost forgot. I used GIMP to edit that photo. Did you read this one? It's got links to download GIMP ...

Khrista said...

Some of these quirks you seem to have developed as an adult. I remember what your room looked like when we were growing up! Far from the sparkling faucets of today! hee! hee!
You actually clean the public restroom ones??!! WOW! I'm too scared of germs..:o)
I LOVE shopping the thrift stores with you! Too bad there aren't any good ones here...I am going to check the one on the air force base though, I've heard good things about it. Oh, and I'm going to check out the one here on the Army base too. I just found it today but didn't have time to run in and check it out.
Check out my blog today I did a post in honor of your anniversary today

Amy said...

Montana is gorgeous!! You should definitely visit one day! :)
I'm going to try to do mine this week too...