Thursday, February 28, 2008


Ok I know this probably is not very cold for some of you, but it is 25 degrees here and the weather channel says it feels like 14!!! Yeah, we haven't had that kind of weather here YET this year. The wind is awful it pierces you right to the skin!

Here are some pics of last nights bedtime fun...I am starting to enjoy the bedtime routine a little more these days. I used to put them to bed and be STRESSED out, due to them not listening. But these days they are very well behaved at that time! (thank you Lord for the answer to prayer!)
(just so you know, Arianna does not have any lipstick on! can we say chapped?!)


Khrista said...

I beat Bonnie! :o) She always seems to see your posts before me!
A. is SO cute! She sleeps with three dollies? G. never was interested in dolls, or Barbies...LOVES stuffed animals and her Littlest Pets though!
I'm sorry it's so cold there. I know it must feel awful! It's not what 25 degrees would feel like here. I believe you when you say it's COLD! I love N.'s expression! He looks so much older though! I can't believe he will be 8 soon!

Bonnie said...

ha ha Khrista ! You crack me up !! It's probably because of the time differences between the three of us!

Rach ... I love these photos. A.'s lips dooooo look like they have lip stick on ! That's some bad chapping! It MUST be cold ! :)

I love that last photo of the boys together ! Sooo cute !

I can't believe how big your kids are getting !!