Friday, January 18, 2008

Been two weeks...sorry!

Well, I haven't taken many pictures these las two weeks. I have been so so busy lately.

I actually started my own business that I am so excited about! I am going to help make the world more green!! If you guys want to check it out you can find it at

This is the best opprotunity I have ever seen, and I have a very trusted (old) friend from like 15 years ago, helping me out and training me. I am so excited about doing this, and for all of you out there who read this, please keep me in your prayers with this...thanks :-)

on a less businessy note, Jake and marissa's baby is getting so big so fast! she is so sweet, and a very good little baby. Her and Marissa both have upper respritory problems right now though, and are having a hard time getting sleep!

Jacob has gotten military housing there where he is, so after Marissa's 6 week check up they are going to be joining him there in CT. I am going to be soooo sad to see them go, but I know they are only a car or train ride away! so they better expect alot of visits from me! ha ha

Well I will try and dig out some pics.......have a great day everyone!

SO I really couldn't find any pics, but here are a couple old might have already seen...sorry, I will be on again soon with new ones.


Khrista said...

Congrats on the business!
I didn't know Marissa and Emma were going to move!
I really need to talk to you and catch up!
I'll call you soon!

Khrista said...

Oh, and of course Isaiah and Ana look so cute! Just want to squeeze them!

Bonnie said...

Wow Rach, starting a business ! That is exciting ! I hope it all works out for you ! I'm going to click on the link now ....