Friday, April 10, 2009

Trip to South Carolina for Spring Break

Angie wanted to take a trip to see our family in south carolina for spring break, so I decided to hitch a ride with her since Matt is in Gloucester Va going to Captains school for tug boating. We arrived early this morning, and we have already had a great time. We went out to lunch with my cousins and Granny, to the resteraunt that my other cousin works at. by the end the kids had had it as you will see in the following pics! We are going over to my other cousin's house tonight for dinner and maybe a movie.

My wonderful Granny

Angie and cousin Gina


Nate and second cousin Payge

Second cousin Kyle and Uncle David

Kyle Uncle David and Payge

Granny and Arianna


Nate and Kyle

This is where they all pooped out

My new storage shed and newly planted Garden. My Great mom came over and planted the plants for me (because I had no idea where to plant them all) the day we left for South Carolina

I have spinich, lettuce, (red, romaine, and head) red green and yellow Bell pepers, Yellow straight neck squash, cabbage, corn, green beans, eggplant, Tomatoes (roma, cherry, and big beefy) Jalapeno peppers, and herbs which include: Rosemary, catnip, lemon balm, parsley, and spearmint all planted right there in my little Garden.

Finished Shed after 2 weeks of working on it.

Here I planted a flower garden which include: blue anemonium, medium pinks, shamrocks, dianthus, and 2 rose bushes one yellow and one orange and yellow

Thorney after playing at Nana's with Bella...he CRASHED the minute we entered the house!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The finished product

Here is the activity center completed. I stained the wood a see through green color, pained the coffee cans yellow with a strip of chalk board paint to write what is in each can...just in case we have to change it around or something, and put up the IKEA bars to hold it all, and finally I put some under cabinet lighting in. ( oh and I cannot WAIT to paint the room a solid color!) Sorry Bonnie I have not put the plans for this on here yet! I will get to it I promise.

Here are my Green beans and Corn after about 10 days. It has been so amazing watching them grow hourly in the window sil. God is AMAZING

Yesterday I repainted my wicker set on the porch (Which I SCRUBBED the winter mud that had built up on it) and put the new Chair pads on them, I LOVE spring!

Here is my Dear Arianna......I guess she really is MINE ha ha. Mom says I used to dress like this all the time when I was her age.
oh she was doing a popawheely here and I missed it :-(

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Nate was excited when he opened his REAL mini electric Guitar and everything he needs to learn how to play it! Along with 81 dollars, and a 10 dollar gift card to sonic!

I'm 27! Heather bought us all Mcdonalds (at my request of places) and Me some STARBUCKS! Mom brought over my FAVORITE chocholate swirl cheesecake, and we all just had a wonderful time hanging out....Thank you heather and mom for making my b day great!

Sleepover with Kylee, playing Candyland

Fun with Auntie Angie. They made layered color sand figures, and had a BLAST of course. Who wouldn't with sand????

Thorney's favorite sleeping buddy Violet